ImpaCT Campaign
In 1997, we began our journey with around 200 campers and 25 staff members. Fast forward to today, and we now have an incredible 3,000 campers and 160 staff! How fantastic is that? Camp Timberline has become a sacred space and place over the past 27 years where kids are KNOWN and LOVED. A piece of heaven on earth where youth can experience the difference between what the world can offer and what Jesus does…where campers are unplugged, experiencing the majestic Rocky Mountains and the great outdoors. They get to experience PEACE. When they come down the mountain, their magical one week becomes 51 more so they can handle the hard and celebrate the good because they KNOW HIM. Not only are campers changed, but also our staff, retreat guests and families. Your support will allow our non-profit to continue kingdom impact for generations to come.
Your TIME, your TALENT and your TREASURE are all gifts the Lord can use to impact our ministry. What connects with you? What will give you JOY to share? As a non-profit, everything given makes a difference for a child, a family, our property and our ministry. We invite you to partner with us so we can THRIVE IN ‘25!
Join Us! Here's how:
Financial Support:
Donations may be specifically allocated to a project, our scholarships or our general ImpaCT Fund per your request. Payments may be made by credit card, cash, check, Donor Advised Fund, IRA Distributions, Estate Giving, Stock Transfers and more. Please let us know how to assist you!​
Monthly donation - Join the ‘97 Club! We were founded in 1997 so help us reach our goal of 97 monthly donors!
One time gift*
Matching gift - let us know if you would consider a donor match
Sponsoring events - we are excited to start new traditions and events for camp families and alumni!
Networking for grants/corporate giving - help us reach organizations that align with our mission
Linking Camp Timberline to your King Soopers/City Market rewards card (instructions here).
* If you would prefer to send a check, please make it out to:
Camp Timberline
430 Canyon Avenue
Fort Collins, CO 80521
Additional Support:
Are you interested in serving and supporting Camp T!?
Services, trade, expertise or equipment
Volunteer Day, event planning and more
Prayer - Join a prayer team or commit to pray for us throughout the year
Invite friends to send their kids to one of our four programs next summer!
Recruit Summer Staff! - Help us find the best counselors for your kids!
Alumni Connections - Click here to connect with the staff family and get plugged in!!
​Questions or Suggestions?
Contact Diane Dahm - Development/Alumni Relations Director
(303) 359-2218

The foundation of our ministry is relationship. The spaces and places where laughter, intentional talks, tears and worship can take place in the beauty of camp is where they are built. For years it has been Dana Darrough’s dream to build another space for those experiences to flourish. Her vision is an outdoor pavilion overlooking the property and Twin Sisters, creating a space for campers and guests to fellowship, take in the beauty of God’s creation, and ultimately encounter the Lord. The structure will be roughly 30’x50’ in size, offering a covered area, with a large, double sided and stone fireplace. What a blessing this spot will be for all to enjoy both summer and fall. Join us in the journey to make this a reality!
For the 2025 season we are looking at revamping and performing maintenance on a few specific Mountain Adventure Elements. We have over 3000 campers and retreat guests challenging themselves, trying something new and exciting every summer and fall. Our goal is to replace and renew our giant high ropes complex to continue an amazing, safe and exhilarating experience.

When we built the lake 15 years ago, we knew it would be a wonderful addition for our camper experience. We want to continue the activities and fun by providing additional space for campers to enjoy the lake, the sun and a spot to relax with their friends and counselors. The deck would border the shore and provide a comfortable and accessible area throughout the summer and fall.
Our founders, Bill and Dana Darrough, had a dream of starting a summer camp in Colorado with 200 campers in 1997…now we have over 3,000 a summer! WE PRAY THOUSANDS MORE EXPERIENCE JESUS! There is NO limit with your support….help us serve these precious children in this heavenly place created just for them. Help us give them the gift of being known and loved, encouraged, supported, strengthened and empowered by the truth and hope of Jesus Christ. Let us impaCT the world together, one child at a time. For HIM.
GOAL: $25,000 - Let's get 25 kids in 2025!
When we bring resources together with a need, the Lord can do mighty things!
Our collaboration will do more than we can possibly imagine for the hearts and minds of these children.
When we make ourselves available for the Lord, it will change us as well!
"You will be enriched in every way for your great generosity." - 2 Corinthians 9:11
Thank you for your partnership and for being a part of the Camp T family!