Welcome to our new CONNECTIONS CORNER! We are so excited to get everyone plugged in to camp and each other! Check out all the opportunities to experience Camp T all year long! Get plugged in today and check out all we have to offer: Alumni Program, Volunteering, Business Directory, News Updates/Calendar and More.

Hello Camp T Alumni!
WE LOVE YOU! It’s been too long and we are pumped to get connected again! Please fill our Alumni survey to update your contact info, let us know what’s going on with you and your family, your job, your community and help us brainstorm some fun local events to gather the gang in your community/area/state. Anything to share is awesome!
So… SAY SOMETHING—I bet you WILL!!!!!
Once we get updated contact info we can start connecting folks, celebrating what’s going on in your life and make plans for events in your area. We will get a full-fledged alumni program off the ground and we need you to do it! Thanks for joining the program!
What do you do? What’s your expertise or passion? Do you have a business or service others could use? Would it be helpful for camp? The Camp T Network is about to take off! Please fill out the business survey so we can create connections and solutions for each other and camp! This is going to be so fruitful for all!

JOIN THE ‘97 CLUB! Bill and Dana founded Camp T in 1997, so we are excited to celebrate our monthly donors and shoot for ‘97 who are able to support CT in this way….your “membership” blesses camp! Sign up today – every bit makes a huge difference!
Services, trade, expertise or equipment
Volunteer Day, event planning and more
Prayer - Join a prayer team or commit to pray for us throughout the year
Invite friends to send their kids to one of our four programs next summer!
Recruit Summer Staff! Help us find the best counselors for your kids!
Alumni Connections - Click here to connect the staff family and get plugged in!!
Interested in what Camp has been up to lately?
Check out our quarterly newsletter - Timberline Times!!
Ways to serve, ways to give back….
This summer we introduced our vision to connect everyone with a purpose and whatever aligns with your heart can be a way of giving back to the Lord and camp. Do you want to volunteer for camp but don’t know where to plug in? Do you have a business or service others could use or could be helpful for camp? We have lots of options to align whatever time, talent or treasure you want to share. Please fill out our Volunteer survey and we will get you right where God wants you to serve.

Mark your calendars for some fun events and difference makers coming up!
Join us for a CT event on Sunday, April 6th at
SNOBAHN Thorton from 3-6 pm!!
14200 Lincoln Street, Thornton, CO 80023
Click here for more details and to RSVP
Parent Packets will be sent out,
check your mailbox throughout the month.
May 1st: last day for refunds,
any cancellations after May 1 will not be refunded.
May 10th
Volunteer Day at camp!
Join us Saturday, May 10th from 10-3 for a day to serve
and get camp ready for our staff training.
Sign up here to RSVP and get details for the day!
June 1st
sign ups for summer 2026 go live at midnight!Sessions and dates listed on our websiteJune 8th Camp Begins!!!!!!
September 14th
Families and friends, join us for our First annual hoe down
and fall festival fundraiser on Sunday, September 14th.
more details to come. RSVP HERE
Contact our Development/Alumni Relations Director
Diane Dahm for any questions or suggestions!
(303) 359-2218