Camp Timberline is so excited about our program for seniors in high school.
We have a paid Counselor in Training (CIT) position at our Day Camp program, Outta Bounds!
Outta Bounds is just like overnight camp but on the road to local churches along the front range one week at a time,
from Cheyenne, Wyoming down south to Castle Rock, Colorado.
We reach campers that may not be ready for overnight camp or just want more Camp T in their summer.
One thing is for sure, Outta Bounds is incredible because Camp T is a piece of heaven on earth, no matter where we are!

What is a Counselor in Training?
The Counselor in Training (CIT) position offers a paid summer staff role at our Outta Bounds Day Camp for students who have completed their senior year in high school.
They will work alongside and be mentored by our full-time counselors. Our desire is that they will develop incredible ministry tools to become full-time counselors in college with Camp Timberline in the future.
Check out the full job description here.
What are the details?
The CIT summer staff position will serve for five weeks, with a salary of $305/week and receive the same benefits as the rest of our summer staff. These positions will be available to four female and four male candidates with the opportunity for more positions if needed. For details on Day Camp itself, click here.

When does it start?
Just like our college staff, our CITs can work 1st term
or 2nd term. CIT will be sent materials ahead of time and are required to attend staff orientation
the afternoon that their term begins.
Click here to apply today!
CIT Testimonials ​
CIT for me, was finally putting my faith into action! Shift helped me define and grow my faith, and CIT was the next level! Getting to share the gospel with campers was a dream come true. The community at Day Camp is like nothing else. I was able to make life long friends in just a few weeks, and receive help for my walk. Being a CIT was the highlight of High School for me, and was the best possible transition into college. If you are on the fence, just do it! The people you will meet and the memories you will make, cannot be found elsewhere.
Tommy Copeland, CIT 2019
As a CIT, you are a real counselor, and it felt very intimidating for me at first, but the community was so supportive. They build you up in love, support you and just radiate the Lord, never letting you think for a second you shouldn’t be there. The staff quickly becomes family, and I created lifelong friendships who are still rooting me on to this day. It is also the best job ever, so finally working at camp after years as a camper was so exciting! The kiddos are there to be loved, so by matching their energy and showing them the love of Jesus, we had the best week ever! They absolutely love throwing shaving cream at all of us. It truly was an incredible experience overflowing with the work of the Lord. The photos are still on my wall, and they always make me smile because I feel so blessed to have worked alongside such incredible people with the most joyful kiddos. God put me there for a reason, and I am forever grateful.
Annika Throne, CIT 2019
“CIT is an absolutely incredible experience. Although you have a different label, you are still loved and respected by all the counselors. The community of day camp is unrivaled: some of my favorite memories from the summer are playing kill ball in the park for staff night out and having deep talks at Sonic. Showing up to work every day is the easiest thing in the world because you get paid to act like a five-year-old with the best kids and the best staff.”
Emily Lane, CIT 2019
“CIT has had a massive positive influence on all aspects of my life. I was able to grow not just my faith but within my relationships, social life, and work life. Being apart of the community at day camp was like no other. I was able to generate bonds and experiences that will not be forgotten. The community provided shows first-hand what it is like to have mentors, brothers, and sisters all rooted in Christ. While you get the opportunity to work alongside some of your best friends, you also are able to make a difference in so many campers lives. Working as a CIT allowed me to develop a relationship with a camper that helped them experience Christ. It was such a surreal and life-changing experience. I went out of state for my freshman year of college and spent my last days in Colorado at day camp and wouldn't have changed it for the world.”
Charles Schley, CIT 2019